
Financer: Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foun
  • SILVERHUB ID: 10791

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Open Grant

Financer: Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation
Purpose: Promotes the mental and physical well-being of children and the elderly by supporting medicine, health care and social activities. The Foundation operates by awarding grants annually for research and as social grants. The foundation awards almost 3 million euros in grants each year.
Terms: The foundation fulfills its purpose by awarding grants for research and other activities in line with the objective. In research funding, the focus is in medical science. Grants are targeted e.g., for preparing doctoral thesis or post-doc reasearch.

Tags: Academia Grants and non-financial support Assessing and Going to market Designing and Prototyping Discovering and Ideating Scaling up and Networking

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