Targeted research in the field of smart specialization

Financer: EU structural funds
  • SILVERHUB ID: 10467

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Open Targeted research in the field of smart specialization

Financer: EU structural funds
Purpose: Research carried out by high-level groups of researchers to produce results relevant to the themes of R&D activities relevant to economic sectors, which could later be commercialized.

Attracting researchers from abroad to carry out research aimed at developing results in line with the themes of R&D activities relevant to economic sectors, which could later be commercialized.

R&D activities of parallel laboratories to develop results relevant to the themes of R&D activities relevant to economic sectors, which could later be commercialized.
Terms: research and study institutions;
University hospitals

Tags: Academia Public Funding Assessing and Going to market Designing and Prototyping Discovering and Ideating Scaling up and Networking

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