Knowledge Management Model in the Health Technologies and Biotechnologies Open Innovation Ecosystem

Urbanavičius, D., Kučinskienė, J., Galdikienė, N., & Brezgytė, E. (2021). Žinių valdym
  • SILVERHUB ID: 11080

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Open Knowledge Management Model in the Health Technologies and Biotechnologies Open Innovation Ecosystem

Urbanavičius, D., Kučinskienė, J., Galdikienė, N., & Brezgytė, E. (2021). Žinių valdymo modelis sveikatos technologijų ir biotechnologijų atvirųjų inovacijų ekosistemoje. DARNIOS APLINKOS VYSTYMAS, 18(1), 143-152.

This article describes knowledge management model in the open innovation ecosystem of health technologies and biotechnologies. The possibilities of theoretical knowledge management, health care technology and biotechnology open innovation ecosystem and knowledge management model for this ecosystem are reviewed

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