SilverHub is a virtual collaborative platform engaging stakeholders of regional Smart Silver Labs in the open innovation processes through networking, and the use of innovation supporting tools that facilitate development, financing, and market uptake of new solutions that tackle the regional challenges of the ageing society
Smart Silver Labs are regional open innovation ecosystems with multi-level structures connecting innovation actors who represent academia, business, policymakers, and society - senior citizens. Smart Silver Labs are developed with the aim to coordinate and support collaboration between innovation actors in generating and commercializing the innovative product and service solutions enabling seniors to live a comfortable, independent, and active life
The Transnational Silver Cluster unites six Smart Silver Labs from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Russia (Saint Petersburg), and Finland into a network to achieve common goals of smart specialization and to exploit the silver economy opportunities in the Baltic Sea region
Regional Smart Silver Labs and the Transnational Cluster were created by the OSIRIS Interreg BSR ( ) project partners representing six countries of the Baltic Sea region – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Russia (Saint Petersburg), and Finland